
The Shared Platform implements a number of JSON REST Services that allows full customisation of interactions between client systems and the platform. jsonUser: Extract Read-Only User Records.

 Live document is here.


Get one or more user records

Filter Arguments

  • user_id

    • one or more authors, separated by “|”

    • filter on user_id not part or full name

Return values

A list of members as JSON object of the form:

       "org_name": "WebTide",
       "user_id": "mike",
       "interest": "ADCA",
       "org_domain": "Informatics and Systems",
       "org_type": "Private Sector",
       "full_name": "Mike Metcalfe",
       "custodians": "/Plone/saeon/metadata/acep, /Plone/saeon/metadata/saeon-metacat",
       "terms": "acep-terms-and-conditions, saeon-terms-and-conditions",
       "email": "mike@metcalfe.co.za",
       "intention": "Collaborator"

       “institutions”: [{“title”: “SAEON”, “institution_url”: “daa.dirisa.org/Institutions/SAEON”,

                              “repository_url”: “daa.dirisa.org/Institutions/SAEON/SAEON”,

      “metadata_url”: “daa.dirisa.org/Institutions/SAEON/SAEON/metadata” }]