
The Shared Platform implements a number of JSON REST Services that allows full customisation of interactions between client systems and the platform. jsonTestHarvester: Test a harvesting object previously created in a portal on the Shared Platform

Live document is here.


Test if the given harvesting service is available to the data portal


  • data: {

metadataType: [DublinCore | EML | ISO19115 | SANS1878 | FGDC |

DarwinCore | DDI | DataCite | ArcGIS ],

protocol: [ CSW | OAI | OAI-Metacat | HTTP | FTP | OpenSearch ],

url: URL,

user: username,

password: passwd


Return values

A JSON object of the form:

{ ‘status’ : ‘success|failed’,

 ‘msgs’ : [error1, error2],

 ‘recordCount’: number of record



Tested with HTTP/DataCite, OAI-Metacat/EML