
jsonTestHarvester The Shared Platform implements a number of JSON REST Services that allows full customisation of interactions between client systems and the platform. jsonCreateMetaData: Create a meta-data object in a repository on the Shared Platform

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Create a metadata record in a metadata collection in a Repository in the data portal

Arguments:  one argument called data with all the configuration info in json format including:

  • metadataType: one value from:

    • DublinCore

    • EML

    • ISO19115

    • SANS1878

    • FGDC

    • DarwinCore

    • DDI

    • DataCite

    • ArcGIS

  • xml: metadata record

Return values

A JSON object of the form:

{ ‘status’ : ‘success|failed’,

 ‘DOI’ : ‘DOI String Value’,

 ‘msgs’ : [error1, error2],
