
The Shared Platform implements a number of JSON REST Services that allows full customisation of interactions between client systems and the platform. jsonCreateHarvester:Create a periodic or manual harvesting function in a portal on the Shared Platform

 Live document is here.



Create a harvester in a Repository in the data portal


One argument called data with all the configuration info in json format including:

  • title: ATitle

  • metadataType: one value from:

    • DublinCore

    • EML

    • ISO19115

    • SANS1878

    • FGDC

    • DarwinCore

    • DDI

    • DataCite

    • ArcGIS

  • version: version number as a string

  • -to do- doiRange : [none | all | valid | kw1 ]

    • Store value on harvester and create DOI when harvesting

    • When harvesting, Ignore if metdata has an identifier

    • URL to Johan’s DOI routine

    • If new, push it into the XML

  • publish: [ none | validsOnly | invalidsProvisionally ]

  • defaultValues: {

dates: [‘date’: ‘2015-03-22/2013-06-22’, dateType: ‘Valid’]},

‘geoLocations: [{‘geoLocationPlace’: ‘Cape Town’}, ...]}


  • supplementaryValues: {subjects: [(val, scheme, schemeURI) ]}

    • add these to all records

  • -deferred- duplicateRecordStrategy: [ keepBothAndLinkToOld | discardOldIfNoDOI ]

  • -deferred- unmatchedOldRecordStrategy: [ { changeState: state } | keepAsIs | deleteIfNoDOI ]

  • url: url

  • username: username

  • password: password

  • protocol: [ CSW | OAI-PMH | HTTP | FTP | OpenSearch ]

    • one value only

  • email: email address

  • synFrequency: [ Never | 60 Seconds | 12 Hours | 1 Days | 2 Days | 7 Days | 14 Days | 30 Days | 6 Months | 12 Months ]

Return values

A JSON object of the form:

{ ‘status’ : ‘success|failed’,

 ‘msgs’ : [error1, error2],

 ‘url’: url if new item,

 ‘harvestTriggerUrl’: harvester activation URL
